Saturday, June 8, 2024


The life of the church is important to believers. We share the gospel, encourage and comfort each other, and do the things that God planned for us to do before we were born. Sometimes we feel overwhelmed. Sometimes we think that we should do more. I ask that you consider what we are called to do and what we are doing and see if we have some balance (not equality but balance).

We want to reach people and see them in worship, education, and fellowship activities, but we also know that through the ages, God has worked with a remnant. Sometimes we are to grow. Sometimes we are to strengthen what remains. We want to get it right.  We want the right balance. The session is likely the only place where balance is discussed much among leaders.

Let’s do a simple exercise called RAD (Recognize – Analyze – Divide) and see what we already know. You may want to grow the lists in each area. Let’s start with what we recognize.


Sunday Morning Worship X2

Wednesday Evening Worship (usually 1 time per month)

Summer Singing (1 time per month)

Thanksgiving worship and meal

Christmas worship and meal

Community Services (2 times per year)

CPC Birthday Worship & Fellowship Meal



5th Sunday Meals (currently suspended for 2024)

Summer Singing (1 time per month)

Thanksgiving worship and meal

Christmas worship and meal

One Pot Meal + Activities X2 (sometimes X3)

CPC Birthday Worship & Fellowship Meal



Sunday School

Wednesday Evenings (7 Months)

Occasional Bible Studies


Walk A Block for Jesus (or other event/activity to reach those beyond our walls)

Hour of Power

Broadcast of services (can be a double-edged sword)

Online Posts – Life of the Church

Wristbands/Gospels/Other giveaway items for any occasion

Food Ministry

Take home supplies to give to Trick or Treaters


Reserved for Families (Typically nothing scheduled for the body other than Sunday morning worship)

Resurrection Sunday

Mothers’ Day

Father’s Day

Christmas Day

Days/Times Unique to  a specific family/families


Other Activities


Committee/Commission Work


Worldly Competitors – Not saying these are good, bad, or ugly, but they are competitors for our time and energy.

Youth Sports (Traditional boundaries of Sunday and Wednesday are nearly eviscerated).

Travel (We are a very mobile society)

Livelihood (You don’t work. You don’t eat or make the car payment)


Other Areas of Consideration

Salvation belongs to the Lord, but these belong to us:







CPC uniqueness

Known for our grace

Connectional (among judicatories, generations, and institutions)

Connectional (among members. Campers, Presbytery meetings, Youth Retreats, and General Assembly help with connections)


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