Monday, April 3, 2017

Worship Times

We have resumed worship by gathering in the assembly on-site on Sunday mornings.  If you are sick or vulnerable or out of town, you may still participate in worship online.

Like our page at:

and you will be notified when we go live.

We hope to see everyone in person very soon.

Offerings may be sent to CPC, Box 8, Burns Flat OK 73624.

We worship all week long.  Our very lives are given sacrificially to God.  That is our real worship, but we do gather frequently to worship together.  


  9:00 am – First Light (Contemporary Service)
10:00 am – Christian Education (Classes for every age)
11:00 am – Worship Service (Traditional)

Wednesday (September through April)

6:00 pm – Meal (No cost – provided by the church)
6:30 pm to 7:30 pm – Classes for every age

Come and worship with us.
Come serve the Lord with us.
Come grow in grace with us.

See you soon!

You have been EGGED!


Thanks for checking out more about our egging.  You were egged by the Young Adult Sunday School Class at the Cumberland Presbyterian Church.  We hope you enjoyed the candy eggs in your yard and hope your family had as much fun picking them up as we had putting them out.

 Why would we do this?  

We would like to invite you to our Easter Services.

Sunrise Service begins at 7 am.  It is followed by a delicious breakfast that the men in our church provide.  Our only other service on Easter will be the traditional worship service at 11:00 am.  Any attire is the right attire at our church!

Here are our typical worship times for the rest of the year.


  9:00 am – First Light (Contemporary Service)
10:00 am – Christian Education (Classes for every age)
11:00 am – Worship Service (Traditional)

Wednesday (September through April)

6:00 pm – Meal (No cost – provided by the church)
6:30 pm to 7:30 pm – Classes for every age

We hope to see you soon!

I'm not sure about this.  What if I don't know anyone?  It's been a long time since I have been inside a church building.

Here's the deal.  You will be welcomed and feel welcome.  In fact, most people who come tell us that they stayed because they felt at home here.
Here's an idea.  If you can't make it to our Easter Services and are in the twenty or thirty-something range, then start with the Young Adult Sunday School class that meets at 10 am beginning the following Sunday and continuing through the year.  

They won't meet on Easter Sunday, but for the rest of the year they gather at 10 am and try to figure out how to follow Jesus in this crazy century.  Besides, the people in this class are the ones who egged your yard!

Current class members are:  Kendra & Derrick Walker,  Ashley & John Reeves,  Kristy & Trent Denbo, Paul Kiser, Garrett & Laci Stegall, Robert & Kristy Plaza, Colleen Leftwich, Victoria Glover, Des Simmons, Sam McConnell, Paul Green, Jennifer Fisher, Marcee Hose and teacher Kathy Stegall.

We hope you make it to celebrate with us this Easter morning, but if not, come join the young adults at 10 am and see what happens.