Friday, June 10, 2016

Prayer List

Here is the prayer list for the Burns Flat Cumberland Presbyterian Church.  If you have a prayer request, please send it to Pastor Tom at


26 January 2025

Aaron Morse
Angie Davis
Billy Don Kamphaus
Bobbi Thompkins
Brennan Morse
Cathy Kirkland
Cheree Hawkins
Clark Shreck
Crhist and Janelle Wilson
Darryl Murray
David Eucke
Don Gunter
Faye Bolechala
Gage Stegall
Garaland Bond
Gary Halbritter
Gayla Hite
Gilbert Hudson
Ginny Genesoto
Heaster McKenzie
Heather Spence
Jenny Wilson
Jimmy Hawkins
Jimmy Simmons
Joel Delp
John Brents
John Wilson
Jon Ankney
Junior Gonzales
Kenzie Delp
Kristy Plaza
Larry Kirkland
Loy Brown
Marissa Piconey
Michael Wennersten
Mitch Entz
Pam Delp
Patsy Reeves
Rev David Carpenter
Rev Tom Condon
Rhet Wierzba
Richard Hancock
Rick Beger
Robert Plaza
Rodney Chilton
Sharman Spence
Terry Ankney
Terry Davis
Tom Collins
Tristen Coffey
Vicki Reeves
Wes Delp

Servicemen and women, law enforcement, and first responders.

Freedom from Fear
Jobs for people
Viability for local businesses


To be known as followers of Jesus by our love.

Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results.

James 5:16 (NLT)

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