Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Balance in the Body of Christ


We are commissioned to take the good news to the world. The subordinate missions are to make disciples, baptize, and teach the words of our Master. We are the body of Christ. We are letters and ambassadors from Christ. We are a family of faith.

·       We as believers are charged to put the words of Jesus into practice.

·       We are challenged to take his yoke and learn from him.

·       We witness to the lost.

·       We testify among believers. Sometimes, our testimony and witness use the same words.

·       We are to be good examples for others, salt and light in the world.

·       We carry our own loads and help those who need help with theirs.

·       We fellowship with one another.

·       We grow in God’s grace as individuals and as the body of Christ.

Our comfort zone is labeled Growing.

We as the session in our role as the spiritual leaders of this body must be aware of our balance in doing so many things, with so many others not listed.

Too much evangelism (if there is such a thing) at the expense of education and discipleship gives people the illusion that they have reached the finish line when our race of faith has only begun. Real and abundant life is just beginning.

Too much teaching and training at the expense of fellowship detracts from the assurance that we know as believers. We must always encourage one another, pray with and for each other, and just enjoy being family.

That doesn’t mean that we divide up what we do evenly. It means that we who have been called to this special form of ordained service observe, discuss, and take action when needed if we think we are a little out of kilter.

We are the keepers of the balance keys.  That said: Unto everything, there is a season

There will be times for surges. Evangelism should be ongoing, but often it gravitates to events (Day at the Park, VBS, Backpack Ministry).

Fellowship should be continuous, but what once came naturally, is now challenged more than ever by the demands of the world. What do we do?

Discipleship and Christian education take us to and through difficult topics and issues if we are up to really hearing what God is saying to us.  Making disciples will cause friction with the world. If you haven’t read your Bibler lately, that’s a good thing.

As we do our best in our positions which God has called us to and to which we have answered the call, realize this. You are not here by accident. God knew exactly what he was doing when he put you here. Surrender to God’s leading. Put the gifts and talents that God gave you to work now. Produce good fruit.

What will that fruit look like?

·       Reaching more people with the good news.

·       Choosing wisdom over sentiment and jumping on the world’s bandwagon.

·       Helping those who truly need help.

·       Speaking the truth in love (not judgmental condemnation) not only to help those to whom we speak, but as a sign of our maturity in Christ.

·       Discipling a new believer by walking with them as we follow Christ together.

·       Enjoying doing what God leads us to do and enjoying each other in the process.

·       Living less as an organization and more as a family.

·       Trusting God over our own understanding more and more.

·       Being known as a follower of Jesus by our love.

Surely there are others that come to mind. Sometimes, the proof is in the pudding, aka, we know we are balanced when we are producing fruit by reaching the lost and enjoying the fellowship of the body while we do it.

Sometimes, we see where we should be producing fruit but we are not. Do we try another way? Do we continue with what we are doing but fertilize a little more and give something more attention?

Please think, pray, and meditate upon these statements, some of which may be provocative.

Remember, that group thinking is improved many times over if preceded by individual thinking, and such thinking can help avoid the trap of groupthink. Remember that acceptance time takes time. That is, when you hear someone else’s idea and it’s just different, your first tendency is to reject it. If we give our minds some acceptance time, we might see value where we only saw difference before.

So do your individual thinking, Put this balance thing into your prayer life. Give the Spirit that lives within you a chance to speak to you. Let’s discuss balance at our July meeting.


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