Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Committee Meetings 28 February 2021


Committee Meetings

28 February 2021

6 pm


It has been a while since all committees met.  Please take attendance and include it on the committee report.  We do a lot by text and phone, but having all committees meeting at the same time allows for cross-committee coordination. For example, Kendra may need to talk to the Education Committee about VBS. 

Below are some agenda items for each committee to prime the pump.  All should be discussed.  Not all require action.  Each committee will likely add other items.  Please capture them in your reports.  Please schedule your next meeting.  Not all committees need to meet every month.


Worship—Helping all participate in worshiping God

Songs we know

Choir Practice

Music for Songs in Hymnals

Training Acolytes

Weekly Email (traditional service)

Weekly Message (First Light)

Preparation of Sanctuary

Cross Committee Coordination

Next Meeting


Education—Curriculum faithful to biblical truth

Quarterly Reports from SS Superintendent

VBS Plans

Memory Verses

Coordinated Curriculum Jr Hight to Senior Adult

Vetting New Teachers

Cross Committee Coordination

Next Meeting


Missions – faithful to reaching people with the gospel

Walk A Block

Food Boxes

Town Celebration (Independence Day/October?)

Other outreach

Cross Committee Coordination

Next Meeting



Building and Grounds—caring for facilities now and planning for the future

Urgent Needs

Current Needs

Future Needs

Cross Committee Coordination

Next Meeting



Fellowship—enjoying and taking care of the body of Christ

Fellowship Teams

Meal Planning for F4

Cost Savings

Cross Committee Coordination

Next Meeting

Meeting Areas

Youth Exploratory – Tom’s office

Worship – Sanctuary

Education – Kathy’s Classroom

Missions – Sr Adult Classroom

Building & Grounds – Younger Elementary Classroom

Fellowship – Fellowship Hall




Prophetable Reading


Once we complete the Gospel of Matthew, we will venture into the Old Testament and three minor prophets.  Below is the schedule for adult Sunday school and Wednesday evening classes as well as for the Sunday messages.

2021                       Sunday Messages

18 Apr                   Jonah 1

25 Apr                   Jonah 2

  2 May                 Jonah 3

  9 May                 Jonah 4

16 May                 Joel 1

23 May                 Joel 2

30 May                 Joel 3

  6 Jun                   Malachi 1

13 Jun                   Malachi 2

20 Jun                   Malachi 3

27 Jun                   Malachi 4

Please read the designated chapter every day of the week.  This gives us much grist for the mill during classes and between them.  It also gives you a good foundation for the Sunday messages.

Daily reading produces a good return on investment.

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Disruption of Local Food Supply


CPC Community Feeding Plan


We have some supplies marked Emergency Use Only in the Missions Room.  These are not for general distribution in food boxes.  These are for bulk feeding in the event of supply chain disruption and community hunger.  These are items such as beans, rice, pasta, and even Ramen.

I have some frozen meat (very little) in the back freezer.  Mostly we are looking at carb-heavy meals that put calories into hungry stomachs, sometimes with a taste of meat. The F4 frozen meat will remain allocated to F4.

Should we need to feed some from the community, we would need people to bring fresh items such as onions, peppers, carrots, potatoes, and the like.  We could also take other donations such as rice, pasta, and even some meat.  While national systems may be disrupted, food will be available locally from gardens and freezers.  The food on hand will prime the pump but a procurement system will be necessary for long-term feeding.

We will need donations from the community that we are feeding.

Should there be a need, we would begin to feed on Mondays and Fridays.  We could continue F4 for those who attend worship and classes, but the other two days would be for general community feeding.  A copy of our plan will go to the other churches in the Ministerial Alliance so they may serve the community without redundancy.  Our Focus is Burns Flat and Dill City to some extent, but I would hope that the Dill City Churches would take on part of this need.

Food box distribution will be stopped or significantly reduced because of the plenary need.


This will not be a zero to sixty operation.  A mobilization period of 2 weeks is needed.  This gives people a chance to exhaust what they have in personal stores and reserves.  Some have more/less than others but most should be able to survive on what they have for 2 weeks.

Those who have an abundance will be encouraged to give during this period so as to increase the church's stores.


I estimate between 100 and 400 people per feeding once underway.  Portion size will be conservative.  Drinks will likely be ice water with some occasional tea or Kool-aide.

People will need to bring their own bowl, spoon, cup or glass, and napkins.  We will not use consumable paper and plastic supplies.  This information will be posted at the usual spots in town.  We will not do take out unless we know the person and their need. 

Feeding will be once per day, likely in the evening.

I will need 4-6 helpers each week. I would like to have a project manager but can run this myself if needed. While in many ways this is transactional—people show up and we feed them; we want to use the opportunity to be transformational—call people to know and serve Jesus as Lord.

We need a prayer station at each meal (probably in the sanctuary).  I would like to have 1 or 2 elders to man this station. The station will have gospels for distribution as needed.  If a relationship is sustained, we may give the family a Bible.  Those seeking a relationship with the Lord should be referred to the pastor.  This does not preclude the elders from permitting the individual or family from professing their faith.

Should disruption of services continue beyond 3-5 weeks, we will need a reliable source of supply.  I suggest that two people be assigned to identify procurement sources.


Food for this mission has been taken from the Local Help line item.  While we have already exceeded the $800 appropriated from the budget for the Local Help line item; we have funds that have been donated specifically for the purpose of helping the local community.  Of all the areas where we are not currently struggling financially, local help leads the list. Judicious expenditure of the funds while supplies are not in high demand is essential.  Funding without a reasonable source of supply will leave us ill-prepared to address community needs.


Should we be blessed not to have this need to meet, the food stored could be transitioned to food boxes and F4 supplements in the next fiscal year.  I will approach the session and ask for concurrence before transitioning emergency supplies for general consumption in other programs.  I anticipate having a clearer picture of the national situation and community need by October 2021 (FY22).

My hope is that this is just an exercise in logistical planning, but this is not a need that can be well met without advanced planning and preparation. It cannot be fully met without prayer and participation by many in this body and the community.

Should it look like we may need to do this, refinements and assignments will follow.  Helpers are always available and ready.  Finding procurement managers in lean times requires someone with gifts, perseverance, and a calling to serve the body in this manner.  Pray about this

Use of Building and Other Property


Use of Building & Property


These are requests that occur on an occasional and sometimes recurring basis beyond the normal use of the building and property for worship, ministry, and service within the purposes of the church.  The intent is to reduce recurring decisions (often by email and sometimes protracted and piecemealed) by advanced discussion and agreement.


Already approved

Scout use of building & van if no schedule conflict.  Advise only (Leader will provide manifest).

Youth use of building & van if no schedule conflict.  Advise only (Leader will provide manifest).

Use of grass field as LZ, parking lot for medical vehicles, and building for medical triage (part of town’s emergency procedures)

 Approved 21 February 2021

Use of fellowship hall (includes kitchen)

Members – approved if no schedule conflict

Non-members – approved for BFDC, WTC, SWOSU – approved if no schedule conflict

Non-members – consent of session only


Use of Church Building (Christian Weddings & Receptions)

Members – approved if no schedule conflict (No Charge)

Non-members – consent of session only (Cleaning Deposit & Usage fee)


Use of tables or chairs (inside use only/no yard sales)

Member—approved if no schedule conflict

Non-members—not approved without consent of session

BFDC & WTC---approved for in town and indoor use


Use of van/trailer (all must prove license and insurance)

Members for church purposes—approved if no schedule conflict

Members for personal use—approved with consent of session

Non-members—not approved without consent of session


Use of property (includes parking lot) for commercial display/sales

Members-only with session concurrence

Non-members—not approved


Use of property for parking of large vehicles (short term)

Members—approved, not to reduce available paved parking for church events

Non-members—not approved without consent of session


Use of building for classes or fitness training

Members – Approved so long as no sales involved (fee ok)

Non-members--only with session concurrence


Use of property as a polling place

Election Board – With member(s) to monitor building use

Monday, February 22, 2021

Our Standing Committees



Worship – In concert with the minister, prepares the order of worship, sanctuary, ushers, banners, and other aspects of corporate worship.  Selecting hymns and arranging for musicians or music from playlists, making sure liturgists know when they are scheduled, and arranging for special music and readings.  Also arranges for the training of acolytes, ushers, and arranges for choir practice.

Building and Grounds—Inspects the property of the church with eyes for maintenance requirements.  Identifies major areas requiring repair or replacement to the session, conducts minor maintenance, and proposes and coordinates workdays when needed. Contracts the Janitor.

Missions—Connects the body of Christ with the community through events, food, distribution of gospels, and other outreach efforts.  Missions work that you might know—Backpack Ministry, Chewy Tuesdays, food baskets, Walk A Block for Jesus, and more with opportunities for new missions.  The church was made for mission.  This committee organizes the bulk of our corporate mission work.  Such work can include mission trips near and far away. Think God’s Love in Action.

Education—In concert with the Sunday School Superintendent, checks curriculum for soundness, coordinates VBS, recruits and vets teachers, and proposes educational events.  Think a workman approved for every good work.  Special attention is given to our children and youth.

Fellowship—Focuses mostly internally on keeping the body of Christ healthy and connected in many ways.  Meals on 5th Sundays, funeral dinners, and just get-togethers that let the people enjoy being God’s children with each other.  Also looks for new faces during worship services, welcomes them, and invites them to other activities of this body. This committee should always be on the lookout for anyone who does not seem to be connecting.  We have no strangers within the body.  Koinonia, inclusion, and family are keywords to this committee.

 There are other ways to use your gifts and talents. Some are called and equipped to visit shut-ins. Some are prayer warriors. Many here have the gift of service. Whatever your interests or skills, there is a role for you to contribute to the church's mission. 

There is a place for you on one of these groups that plans and organizes, putting you right in the middle of the church's work. You do not have to be a member of the church to serve on a committee.

Thursday, February 11, 2021

We are in the Fourth Quarter of Marching Through Matthew

 We are in the fourth quarter of Marching Through Matthew, tackling a chapter each week.  This week was chapter 23 and full of woes unto the scribes and Pharisees.

The links below are provided for review or catch up if you joined us late.  Here is a hint on how not to become a hypocrite.

Seek justice.

Love mercy.

Walk humbly with your God.

 Marching through Matthew

Matthew 1

Part 1

Part 2

Joseph being a righteous man…  December 2016

Matthew 2

Part 1

Part 2

Matthew 3

Part 1

Part 2

Fruit Worthy of Repentance (Jan 2020)

Matthew 4

Part 1

Part 2

Matthew 5

Part 1 (video)

Part 2 (video)

Part 3 (video)

Part 4 (video)

Part 5 (video)

Part 6 (video)

Parable of a Lamp on a Stand  January 2017

Lex Talionis February 2018

Matthew 6

Part 1 (video)

Part 2 (video)

Part 3 (video)

Part 4 (video)

Matthew 7

Part 1 (video )

Part 2 (video)

Part 3 (video)

Part 4 (video )

Part 5 (video)

Parable – The Disciple and the Tourist  January 2017

Matthew 8

Part 1 (video)

Part 2 (video)

Part 3 (video)

Part 4 (video)

Part 5 (video)

Part 6 (video)

Matthew 9

Part 1 (video)

Which is easier? May 2019

Part 2 (video)

Part 3 (video)

Part 4 (video)

Part 5 (video)

Part 6 (video)

Parable – Fasting, New, and Old  February 2017

Matthew 10 (video)

Part 1 (video)

Part 2 (video)

Part 3 (video)

Part 4 (video)

Part 5 (video)

Part 6 (video)

Part 7 (video)

I have come to bring a sword  August 2018

Matthew 11

Part 1 (video)

Part 2 (video)

Part 3 (video)

Part 4 (video)

Part 5 (video)

Rest October 2018

Matthew 12

Part 1 (video)

Part 2 (video)

Part 3 (video)

Part 4 (video)

Part 5 (video)

Matthew 13

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8

Parable of the Sower  February 2017

Parable of the Weeds  February 2017

Parable of the Mustard Seed and Yeast  February 2017

Parable of the Pearl and Hidden Treasure  March 2017

Parable of the Net  March 2017

Matthew 14

Part 1 (video)

Part 2 (video)

Part 3 (video)

Part 4 (video)

Matthew 15

Part 1 (video)

Part 2

Part 3

Matthew 16

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Matthew 17

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Matthew 18

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Parable of the Unmerciful Servant  March 2017

Matthew 19

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

The Rich Young Ruler (from Mark’s gospel) – November 2017

Matthew 20

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Parable of the Land Owner  March 2017

Matthew 21

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Capstone or Cornerstone?

Hosanna to the Son of David April 2017

The Parable of the Two Sons  April 2017

Hear the Children  April 2019

Matthew 22

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Love Like it Matters July 2018

The Parable of the Wedding Banquet  April 2017

All the law and the prophets  March 2018

Matthew 23

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8

Part 9

Matthew 24


Matthew 25


Matthew 26


Plans, Passion, Purpose, Palms   March 2016

Matthew 27


Matthew 28