Friday, June 17, 2016

I have nothing to sell -- A Manifesto by Morris Pepper

Here is the reading that we did a few Sundays ago.  It was by a man that influenced many Cumberland Presbyterians over the past few decades.  He is with the Lord now, but these words that he left us are worth considering as we take the good news of life in Jesus Christ to the world.

A Manifesto

I have nothing to sell. Many people think the minister is a peddler whose commodity is religion. Preaching is making a sales talk. Visiting means cultivating prospects. Evangelism is doing a “hard sell.”

I have nothing to sell.  Religion is not a commodity.  God is not on the counter or in a catalog.  God’s love and mercy are not Wall Street items.  God’s blessings will not be found in bargain basements.

I have nothing to sell.  I have a witness to make.  There are some things which I believe, convictions arising from my thought and life, which I know from within.  Of these I witness.  They are not mere blessings of tradition.  They are real to me because God is real.  But they cannot be bought or sold.  They can only be witnessed.

I have nothing to sell.  I have a message to communicate.  It is a story of Jesus Christ, a story of redemption.  It is a promise, a promise of what can happen here and now.  It is the gospel, the good news of God’s love told by one who knows it firsthand.  I am a storyteller, a proclaimer, an announcer—not a cocky salesmen with a hot line.

I have nothing to sell.  I have a friendship to offer.  Some are like Job who would like to recapture the days when “the friendship of God was upon my tent.”  Others have never known such a relationship.  Many are afraid of God.  Still others are rebellious.  To these and others I say, “God loves you.  Won’t you let God be your friend?”

I have nothing to sell.  You can’t buy salvation.  You can’t buy faith.  You can’t buy heaven.  You can’t buy God.  Nor can you sell them.  My job is to offer you an adventure, not to sell you a bill of goods—to invite you to join a mission, not a Cosmos Club.

I am not doing hard sell, soft sell, or using psychology.  I don’t have any tricks to pull out of the bag.  So don’t raise your sales resistance.  I am an educator, a teacher, a pastor, a counselor—but please, not a huckster!  I am a witness, a communicator, an announcer, a reporter, but never a peddler.

For we are not like so many, peddlers of God’s word; but in Christ we speak as persons of sincerity, as persons sent from God and standing in his presence.

Henry Morris Pepper (1910-2002)

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Fellowship Teams

Updated 7 June 2024

             2024 Fellowship Teams                            



1.   Phil & Chrissy Delp                                        


·         Tom & Sharman Spence

·          Heather Spence

·         Ethan & Amber Delp

·         Dillon & Kenzie Delp                                  


2.  Rodney & Donna Chilton                              


·         Gerald & Kathy Stegall

·         Lori Schneberger

·          Darren & Candace Bond

3.            Laci & Garret Stegall


·         Mike, Fran & Paul Kiser

·         Katy Horne

·         Kristy Denbo

·         Barbara Sites    


4.            Amanda & Danny Rush


·         Rick Reeves

·         Terri Davis

·          Kendra Walker

·           Jimmy & Gigi Allen

·          Lance Elmore


5.            Christmas Team


·         Amanda & Danny Rush

·         Carolyn Murray

·          Gerald & Kathy Stegall

·          Darren & Candace Bond




       6.  Funeral Team


·         Amanda Rush

·         Carolyn Murray

·          Kathy Stegall

·         Sharman Spence

·         Candace Bond                   

And teachers when available.



They committed themselves to the teaching of the apostles, the life together, the common meal, and the prayers.

Acts 2:42 (The Message)

News & Updates

Updated 9 November 2024.

Our F4 Schedule is posted. 

Check our Facebook Page for moment-to-moment updates. 

We are in the business of making disciples

Follow this link for Planning Dates.



Just a short note from Pastor Tom

This is the day that the Lord has made. 
Let us rejoice and be glad in it. 

Our entire lives are to be filled with thanksgiving and praise for God.

  For the Christian there is no such thing as despair.

  Christ has overcome the world!

  He made us.  We are his.

  He loved us more than we can even imagine.

  We didn’t deserve it.

  That’s grace.

  So how are we to live as people who were loved when we didn’t deserve it? 

How are we to live as people who are being shaped in the likeness of Christ?  How are we to live?

The short answer is abundantly.  To understand abundance, we must set ourselves on a daily course to become God’s light and love in this world.

To live this life fully, we must time and time again give fully of ourselves, even when we think there is nothing left to give.

To be truly rich we must first be rich towards God.
You don’t learn this stuff from the world.

We serve a Master—there’s a term that Americans don’t like—who tells us to be first we must be last.
He tells us to be servant of all.
That’s really tough medicine.  Sometimes it’s just too tough.

But we don’t just through in the towel.
God has given each of us his own Spirit to walk beside us daily.

Each of us has direct access to God.
Each of us is called to be a member of the Body of Christ.
Each of us is called to grow closer to God individually and to worship him with other believers.

We don’t go to church.
We are the church!

Jesus told us that we are the salt of the earth.
He said we are the light of the world.
He told us to take a message of good news to the entire world.

We as followers of Jesus Christ are truly strangers in this world.
Our God-inspired way of living makes us foreigners in a self-centered world.

But we are in good company.
Prophets and saints alike have been rejected by a world governed by sin.
We are obedient to God and that makes us different—it makes us uncommon.

We are destined to be brothers and sisters of Christ.
God ordained this before the creation of the world.

So let us profess our faith in Jesus Christ.
Let us surrender to God’s perfect will and be shaped as God intended.

Let us love others as God has loved us.


Nursery Schedule.

All volunteers are asked to check this schedule frequently.  If you would like to help in this ministry, please contact Amanda Rush.

5th Amanda
12th Kristy & Laci
19th Lori & Faith

26th Kendra & Des

2nd Courtney & Libby
9th Amber & Kenzie
16th Amanda & Dianna
23rd Kristy & Laci

2nd Lori & Faith
9th Kendra & Des
16th Amber & Kenzie
23rd Amanda & Dianna
30th Kristy & Laci


6th Lori & Faith

13th Des & Kendra

20th Amber & Kenzie

27th Amanda & Dianna


4th Kristy & Laci

11th Lori & Faith

18th Des & Kendra

25th Amber & Kenzie


1st Amanda & Dianna

8th Kristy & Laci

15th Lori & Faith

22nd Des & Kendra

29th Amber & Kenzie


Welcome to the Cumberland Presbyterian Church website. 

It is our hope that you may come to know us a little before you ever come through the door, though nothing will replace those first handshakes and hugs that say, we really are glad to see you!

Our motto is God's Love in Action.  We may not be the best at citing the precise scriptures that tell you about God's love and salvation through Jesus Christ.  Sometimes we are.  Sometimes we know them by heart.

We may not always sing the hymns at the tempo the composer desired.  We may not have the most well-orchestrated transitions between the children's message and the prayer.

It's not because we don't know our Bible.  We do.
It's not because we don't know the songs.  We do.
It's not because we are not reverent in worship.  We are.

It's because we know with certainty that God loves us more than we can imagine.

We know that we, not the building, are the church.  Our testimony to you is our love.

How else could we respond to the grace of God?

We are real people with real struggles in today's world, but we have the peace of the Lord and strive to love God mostly by loving one another.

We want you to know life to it's fullest, the depths of God's love and grace for us, and the One whom we call Lord and do our best to follow.

We want you to know Jesus Christ!

Here is something to think about.  We don't go to church.  We are the church!  That's right, we who follow Jesus are the church.  Individually, we might be called disciples.  Collectively we are the church.

This does not mean that we don't gather together.  We do.  We come together to worship God, to serve our Lord, and to grow in grace together. 


That's a little taste of who we are.  Come and gather with us and get to know us better.  We love the Lord and we are on a mission to take his love to the world.

The Spiritual Autobiography of Tom Spence

The following seems like it was yesterday.  It was among my first assignments once I answered God's call.  It still speaks to how quickly God can take those whome he called and set them on the course he prepared before the foundation of the world.

The Spiritual Autobiography of Tom Spence
May 2008

I begin in the present.  I am the stated supply of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Burns Flat, Oklahoma.  One year ago I became the moderator pro temp[ore] of our session and was instrumental in the formation of a pastoral search committee.  At that point, I did not envision that I would be the fruit of that search.  That is not to say that I did not expect to fill the pulpit on a regular basis.  I did.  I also expected to reassure the congregation that we would be just fine, that the head of our church was not the pastor we didn’t have but Christ himself, and that Christ would still be the head even when we did find a pastor.

I knew that I was called to be moderator.  I knew that we were a larger church than when I filled the pulpit between pastors before (2003) and that I would need more help filling the pulpit.  I discovered that we had grown more than in our numbers.  Our ministries had grown and were still growing.  I knew that I needed to be more involved—more than just filling the pulpit, preparing the bulletin and newsletter, and more than just waiting to see what the search committee would find.  I was called to minister to this congregation.  Still, I did not expect God to call me to full-time ministry.  In hindsight, I was in denial—ok, blind—to the fact that God was calling me.

In December 2007, several of the elders, search committee members, and some others from the congregation found our way into the vacant pastor’s study.  This was following an evening service and this was an impromptu continuation of the fellowship that had begun that evening.  Someone asked if I had considered the ministry.  The conversation became dominated by that topic.  I told everyone that I thought my ministry was to serve the congregation while we searched for another pastor.  I did tell them that I would ask God if he was calling me. 

I asked.  He answered.  People that previously had not said much to me, told me this was my calling.  Instead of the cordial nice sermon remark at the end of the service, people hugged me and simply said, go get ordained.  People gave me this message in places other than church and many were from other congregations and some were pastors from other denominations.  None of them knew of my promise to pray about this. 

I would have preferred an email from God, marked important—better yet:  URGENT!  In fact, after praying, I checked my inbox more frequently than normal.  My answer was to come from God’s people not my computer.  My choice was simple.  Kick against the goads and continue to pull my own yoke or accept the one Christ offered.  I knew the answer.  In a single night, I began my trek to the ministry.  I searched the denomination website and was disappointed that there wasn’t much there, but I picked a couple email addresses that I thought were appropriate and I also emailed George Estes who had worked with our church in a period of revitalization and whom I kept in the loop on various things going on in Burns Flat.  He guided me to Dr. Campbell and the appropriate committee of my Presbytery.  I completed pastor information forms and sent them to the denomination, Red River Presbytery, and made one for our search committee.  One of the first things I learned as a Marine officer was that an officer must never be timid and that was the last thing that I was at this point.  I had my marching orders and wasn’t going to be indecisive.  I take comfort in that my Marine Corps background was in perfect harmony here.  God did not give us a spirit of timidity.

At the time I gave my package to the search committee, I discovered that they had a candidate that many were excited about.  I gave them my packet in a sealed envelope and asked them not to open it if they were actively pursuing a candidate.  I knew that I was called to the ministry, but not certain that it would be to my home church congregation.  The last thing that I wanted to do was cause any dissent in the committee.  At the elders retreat a few days later, I asked for the session’s blessing and endorsement to pursue ordination via the program of alternate studies.  The session was as excited about my choice as I was.

Some paperwork, interviews, intelligence, and psychological evaluations and reports, meetings, and more meetings later bring us to present day:  Tom Spence, stated supply at Burns Flat Cumberland Presbyterian Church, endorsed for the PAS by Red River Presbytery, and ready to dive headfirst into this program.

My childhood involved attendance at churches all over the United States; most of them were Disciples of Christ denominations.  Sunday School and Vacation Bible School were important events in my life.  I was baptized as an adult in the Episcopal Church and married by an Episcopal Navy Chaplain, but most of my adult life was spent in the Presbyterian Church with a few ventures into Baptist congregations.  I had never heard of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church until I moved to Burns Flat in 1999.  The first service I attended told me that this would be our church home.  Before joining, I invited the Pastor to the house and we discussed several things.  I wanted to make sure of the central beliefs of this denomination and to make sure it wasn’t some off-the-wall sect.  Jim Fisk was the pastor at the time and he gave me a one-minute history of the denomination and answered my questions.  He was interested in how a Marine officer had reconciled being a professional combatant and a Christian as his son was currently serving in the Army. 

A significant part of my adult life was as a U.S. Marine Corps officer.   I see no dichotomy between battle and serving God.  God has called many to battle.  While my time in a combat zone was only one year out of twenty; preparing for battle on a daily basis has helped me in my current spiritual journey.  I truly enjoyed my time in the Marine Corps.  Among other things, I learned to be a life-long learner in the Corps.  To learn and master new skills every year is still a passion of mine.  To teach, train, mentor, and see the fruits of your efforts in young men and women is an experience that few enjoy to the extent I experienced as a Marine.  I believe that my time in the Corps was a blessing from God.

I have no road to Damascus experience.  I was taught, I believed, and I have grown in my faith.  That’s not to say I have not had trials.  I have and for the most part they have strengthened me.  Those that have not are because I struggled against what God wanted me to do.  Surrender is a tough word for a Marine to pronounce, but I learned when I surrendered all to Christ, He gave me victory. 

All in my family are saved.  Sharman, my wife, and I both love our church family.  She is an elementary teacher and that is also her ministry.  Burns Flat is a town with a large transient population.  Many children that she teaches have parents in prison, using drugs in their presence, or absent from their lives.  Much of the love that these children receive comes from Sharman in the classroom.  We cannot go anywhere in southwest Oklahoma without getting hugged by knee-high people.  I have also become an expert shopper of crayons, pencils, and folders.  If K-Mart is having a blue light special on school supplies during PAS, I will need a 1-hour excused absence to go buy a cubic meter of crayons. 

Both my children, Heather and Christopher, are out of the house and doing their best to make their own way in the world.  I have no grandchildren yet, but cherish the fact that God through his grace has better prepared me for that role now that I know Him better.  My body is 52 years old and I put it through some pounding during my time in the Corps; but, my excitement to pursue full-time ministry is as intense as any I have experienced.  I get out of bed in the morning ready to see what God wants me to do today!

Semper Fidelis!

Tom Spence

Friday, June 10, 2016

Memory Verses

There is a strong connection between knowing significant parts of the Bible and staying strong in the faith.  Know that, in 2015, this congregation set out to memorize a verse or set of verses each month.

We continue what we hope to be a longstanding and fruitful tradition.  

This is for all ages.

Memory Verses for 2024

Jan -Psalm 19:1

Feb - Psalm 23

Mar - Psalm 100

Apr - Psalm 25:1

May - Psalm 25:2

Jun - Psalm 25:3

Jul - Psalm 25:4

Aug - Psalm 25:5

Sep - Psalm 25:6

Oct - Psalm 25:7

Nov - Psalm 25:8

Dec - Psalm 25:9

Memory Verses for 2023

January - John 1:14

February - John 1:29-30

March - John 3:36

April - John 4:23

May - John 4:24

June - John 5:24

July - John 6:35

August - John 7:67-69

September - John 8:31-32 NKJV

October - John 10:10

Novembeer - John 11:25-26

December - Genesis 50:20

Memory Verses for 2022


Jan  Psalm 139:14

Feb  Psalm 91:11

Mar  Matthew 18:4-5

Apr   Proverbs 16:3

May Psalms 103:12

Jun  Proverbs 3:7-8

Jul   Genesis 50:20

Aug  John 1:1-3

Sep  John 1:4-5

Oct   John 1:9-10

Nov  John 1:11

Dec  John 1:12-13

Memory Verses for 2021


January – Leviticus 20:26 NKJV

February – Deuteronomy 6:4-9

March – Deuteronomy 6:4-9

April  – Proverbs 1:7

May – Romans 8:28

June – Hebrews 11:1 NKJV

July – Hebrews 4:12

Aug – 2 Timothy 3:16-17

Sep – Numbers 6:24-26

Oct – Matthew 28:16-20

Nov – Psalm 23 KJV

Dec – Luke 2:8-12 NKJV


Some of these will be familiar to some, but we are introducing them to others.  We will memorize the New International Version unless otherwise noted.

2020 Memory Verses

January – Psalm 119:11
February – Romans 3:23

Lent Plus (1 Verse each week)
1 March – Matthew 5:3
8 March – Matthew 5:4
15 March -Matthew 5:5
22 March – Matthew 5:6
29 March – Matthew 5:7
5 April – Matthew 5:8
12 April – Matthew 28:5-6
19 April – Matthew 5:9
26 April -Matthew 5:10

May – Matthew 5:11-12
June – Proverbs 22:6-7
July – Proverbs 27:17
August – Proverbs 31:30-31
September – Romans 13:8
October – 1 Corinthians 10:31
November – Psalm 100
December – John 15:13

All are in NIV unless otherwise noted.

Memory Verses

January                John 13:34-35
February              Hebrews 4:13
Lent to Pentecost—Verse per week
3 March               Proverbs 10:12
10 March             Philippians 2:14
17 March             Hebrews 11:1
24 March             Romans 12:12
31 March             1 John 4:19
  7 April               Psalm 150:6
14 April               Psalm 136:1
21 April               Proverbs 27:17
28 April               Philippians 4:4
  5 May                Colossians 3:2
12 May                1 Chronicles 16:11
19 May                Luke 6:31
26 May                Acts 2:21
 2 June                 Ecclesiastes 3:1
June                     Acts 4:11-12
July                      Matthew 5:13
August                 Deuteronomy 6:4-9
September           1 John 4:18
October                Ruth 1:16
November            Revelation 4:11
December            Luke 2:8-12 (NKJV)

All memory verses are in the NIV unless otherwise noted.

Get an advance look at the memory verses for 2020.

Memory Verses

January             Micah 6:8                         Danny Rush
February           John 3:16-17                    Rodney Chilton
March               John 4:8                           Gene Reeves
April                 Malachi 3:10                    Gerald Stegall
May                  1 John 4:10                       Kathy Stegall
June                  Psalm 119:105                  Rick Reeves
July                  Matthew 22:37-40             Don Foust
August             Matthew 28:18-20             Dana Ellis
September       Exodus 20:1-3                    Kendra Walker
October            Numbers 6:24-26               Rick Ellis
November        Psalm 100                          Garrett Stegall
December        John 1:14                           Larry Walker

          The word of God is alive and active, sharper than any double-edged sword. It cuts all the way through, to where soul and spirit meet, to where joints and marrow come together. It judges the desires and thoughts of the heart.

Hebrews 4:12 GNT 

All memory verses are to be learned together in the NIV unless otherwise noted.

2017 Memory Verses

January                1 Peter 2:9 (NIV)                            Amanda Rush
February              1 John 3:18 (HCSB)                       Dana Ellis
March                  Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)                     Garrett Stegall
April                     Romans 8:28 (KJV)                       Carolyn Murray
May                      1 Thessalonians 4:11-12 (NASB)  Rick Ellis
June                      1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (NIV)     Rick Reeves
July                       Romans 8:38-39 (NIV)                 Kathy Stegall
August                  Isaiah 6:3 (NIV)                            Gerald Stegall
September            Matthew 28:18-20 (NIV)               Kendra Walker
October                Hebrews 11:6 (NIV)                       Larry Walker
November            1 John 1:7 (NIV)                             Rodney Chilton
December            Philippians 4:6-7 (NIV)                   Kristy Denbo

Other verses that we have learned.

For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.
Hebrews 4:12 (NIV)

All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.
2 Timothy 3:16-17 (NIV)

Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.
Psalm 109:105 (NIV)

Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed.  And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

John 8:31-32 (NKJV)

2016 Memory Verses

January            2 Timothy 1:7 NKJV      Dana Ellis
February          Psalm 19:14                    Rodney Chilton
March             James 4:7-8                      Garrett Stegall
April                John 10:10                      Gene Reeves
May                 Romans 12:1-2               Rick Ellis
June                 Philippians 4:13 NKJV  Kathy Stegall
July                  2 Timothy 3:16-17         Pam Delp
August             John 11:25-26                Gerald Stegall
September       James 5:16                      Robert Rush
October           2 Chronicles 7:14            Larry Walker
November       Psalm 107:1-3 NKJV      Robert Wascom
December       Luke 2:8-12     NKJV      Lori Schneberger

Earlier Memory verses


Proverbs 3:5-6
Hebrews 4:12
James 1:19-20
Psalm 100
Isaiah 9:6


John 8:31-32

We will use the NIV unless otherwise noted.

Liturgists 2018

Here are the liturgists for the Burns Flat Cumberland Presbyterian Church.  If you would like to be a liturgist, please contact Pastor Tom at or talk with an elder on the session.  

Also let Tom know if you would like to be in the liturgist bullpen--ready to step in when the scheduled liturgist can't make it.

Liturgists 2018

7              Garrett Stegall
14           Rick Reeves
21           Danny Rush
28           Larry Walker

4              Grace Schneberger
11           Scout Troop 310
18           Camryn Bond
25           Lori Schneberger

4              Ethan Delp
11           Pam Delp
18           Jerry Lee
25           Dana Ellis

1              Rick Ellis
8              Kenzie Delp
15           Rodney Chilton
22           Ashley Reeves
29           Jr/Sr High Youth

6              Don Foust
13           Sharman Spence
20           Colleen Leftwich
27           Joe Thompson

3              Libby Spence
10           Des Simmons
17           Marcee Hose
24           Garrett Stegall

1              VBS Students
8              Dyanne Thompson
15           Tiffani Burns
22           Kristy Denbo
29           Danny Rush

5              Robert Wascom
12           Gage Stegall
19           Luke Schneberger
26           Camryn Bond

2              Grace Schneberger
9              Rick Reeves
16           Robert Rush
23           Ashley Reeves
30           Younger Elementary Youth

7             Larry Walker
14           Marcee Hose
21           Rodney Chilton
28           Robert Wascom

4              Pam Delp
11           Ethan Delp
18           Rick Ellis
25           Libby Spence

2              Carolyn Murray
9              Gerald Stegall
16           Kathy Stegall
23           Dana Ellis
30           Kylie Denbo

2017 Liturgists

 1            Rick Reeves
 8            Dylan Walker
15          Danny Rush
22          Gage Stegall
29          Larry Walker

5             Scouts from Troop 310
12           Camryn Bond
19           Lori Schneberger
26           Grace Schneberger

 1            Don Foust (Ash Wednesday)
 5            Robert Rush
12           Pam Delp
19           Kathy Stegall
26           Darron Bond

 2            Luke Schneberger
 9            Dana Ellis
16           Rick Ellis
23           Ethan Delp
30           Jr/Sr High Youth

 7            Jerry Lee
14           Rodney Chilton
21           Desarae Simmons
28           Gerald Stegall

 4            Kenzie Delp
11           Dakota Walker
18           Robert Wascom
25           Pam Delp

 2            Garrett Stegall
 9            Rick Reeves
16           VBS Students
23           Laci Stegall
30           Kristy Denbo

 6            Kendra Walker
13           Robert Rush
20           Grace Schneberger
27           Sharman Spence

 3            Gerald Stegall
10           Rodney Chilton
17           Kathy Stegall
24           Larry Walker

 1            Ashley Reeves
8             Danny Rush
15           Camryn Bond
22           Candace Bond
29           Younger Elementary Youth

 5            Laci Stegall
12           Dylan Walker
19           Lori Schneberger
26           Gage Stegall

 3            Rodney Chilton
10           Desarae Simmons
17           Rick Ellis
24           Dana Ellis

31           Gene Reeves


3          Gene Reeves
10       Robert Wascom
17       Larry Walker
24       Danny Rush
31       Desarae Simmons

7          Sam McConnell (Scout Sunday)
10       Kendra Walker  (Ash Wednesday)
14       Kathy Stegall
21       Garrett Stegall
28       Gerald Stegall
3          Kristy Denbo
13       Laci Stegall
20       Dana Ellis
27       Rick Ellis

3          Grace Schneberger
10       Lilly Schneberger
17       Lori Schneberger
24       Camryn Bond

1          Ashley Reeves
8          Rodney Chilton
15       Pam Delp
22       Rick Reeves
29       Bob Nagle

5          Jerry Lee
12       Carolyn Murray
19       Robert Rush
26       Meladie Strain

3          Don Foust
10       Dylan Walker
17       Gage Stegall
24       Luke Schneberger
31       Kristy Denbo

7         Camryn Bond
14       Lori Schneberger
21       Grace Schneberger
28       Lilly Schneberger

4          Luke Schneberger
11       Kathy Stegall
18       Bob Nagle
25       Rick Reeves

2          Danny Rush
9          Robert Rush
16       Desarae Simmions
23       Elementary Youth
30       Jr/Sr High Youth

6          Rick Ellis
13       Dana Ellis
20       Larry Walker
27       Pam Delp

4          Garrett Stegall
11       Rodney Chilton
18       Gene Reeves

25       Gerald Stegall