Friday, June 5, 2020

5 June 2020 Update

This is Friday, 5 June 2020 and it’s time for a brief update.

We have been meeting in the building for a few weeks now.  We are continuing our enhanced Facebook broadcasts and will do so throughout June.  July may bring some modifications so as to intrude less upon those gathered here to worship.  We are still working that part out.

Please come and gather with us this Sunday if you are able.  If you are sick, watch on Facebook.  If you think you are vulnerable, watch on Facebook.

I have continued to send out the advance copy of the bulletin with links to scriptures and songs for those who worship at home.

But if you are able, please come.  If you have to wear your pajamas, that’s OK as long as they are OSU logoed. 

Our prayer list is online.  There are also hard copies in the back of the sanctuary.

If you have been paying attention, we have reduced the number of announcements and have not asked for prayer requests from the pulpit.  We are posting more information online.  If you know people who are not plugged in this way, please share with them.

We gather for worship and worship should be how we allot our time together.

That said, we will ask for prayer requests this Sunday.  I know you love to fellowship and you have been missing it, but I ask that you just stick to the requests.  Nobody gets rushed out of this place after the benediction, so feel free to stay and enjoy each other as much as you want.

We have resumed the participation of liturgists.  I am personally contacting those for June and we will return to the 2020 schedule beginning in July.

We are proceeding chapter by chapter through John’s gospel.   This week we are on chapter 10.  The charge is to read that chapter—this week chapter 10—every day of the week.  Adult Sunday school and messages from the pulpit will come from the chapter of the week.

We are still doing memory verses.  These have a fantastic return on investment if we follow through.  Don’t expect anything if you don’t invest anything.  We reap what we sow.

We are still looking for members to constitute a committee for the youth activity center.  Talk to a session member if you want to participate.

Here are a few things that you need to know.  This Sunday:
We will seat the leading choir.
We will open the nursery.
We will resume acolytes (having the kids light the candles).
We will recognize our two FBDC graduates.

Here’s what’s coming our way.

11-13 Jun—Elem. Youth Yard Sale.  You can bring your donations to Kathy Stegall beginning 8 June.  She might let you bring something on the afternoon of the 7th.

This helps us get kids to camp.

13-17 Jul—VBS.  Expect some sort of brief in the next couple weeks.  Pool party if possible.

22 July—Blood Drive.  We will post more as this draws near.

27-31 Jul—Church Camp.  It’s a go.  We are blessed.  Texas canceled their camps.  We are blessed.

 1 Aug—Town Celebration (Walk A Block for Jesus?).  We will probably have a table in the park again.

8 Aug—Elder Retreat.  Pray for your elders as we gather to seek God’s vision for us.

 9 Aug—Elders are Liturgists and circulating for prayers.

30 Aug—Jr/Sr Youth are Liturgists
30 Aug—Fellowship Meal - 5th Sunday (Team 1)

Stay tuned!

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