Monday, April 6, 2020

Update - 6 April 2020

I will do my best to keep you updated but not inundated with information during this time when we see each other less than we did a month ago.

We will have a simple Sunrise service this Sunday.  It will be prayer and the reading of John 20.

If the weather and wind (can make sound inaudible) permit, it will be in front of the cross facing the sunrise.  It’s important to have something to remember that it was early on that first day that the women found the tomb to be empty. We can skip the shock they felt at first and go straight to joy.  We can sing in our hearts, Christ the Lord is Risen Today, Alleluia.

Weather in Oklahoma is usually overcast or rainy at this time, at least it has been that way for most of the past decade, so the alternate plan is to pray and read John 20 from the pulpit.

Whichever it is, it will be a Facebook Live broadcast on the church Facebook page.  Like the page and it will notify you when we go live.

We will have our full 11 am service on Facebook Live as well.

We will not have a come and go communion on Maundy Thursday.  I am working on a drive-through communion sometime in April.  More on that later.  We will find a way to celebrate the Lord’s Supper.  If you can’t make the drive through, I can stop by and deliver the elements and the words of the institution at your front door.  If you can’t make our scheduled service, talk to your elder who is shepherding you through this time so I will know who I need to come and see.

We will not have the community services that we normally have during Holy Week.  We will make an announcement if anyone would like to make an offering to the Ministerial Alliance, they may send it to:  

 PO Box 142,
Burns Flat OK 73624

Daily reading for this week is the second Chapter of John.  If you have kids that are homeschooling, add it to the curriculum. 

We are publishing our tithes and offerings totals on the church website for this unique period.  These things are something that is between you and God, but the church leadership always accounts to you as the congregation whatever gifts have come in.  These are total amounts like you would see posted in the back of the sanctuary.

As of right now, we still plan to have our session meeting on 19 April 2020.  We may adjust based on conditions at that time.

That’s it for now.

This is a good time to carry Proverbs 3:5-6 with us wherever we go.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding.

In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.

More later.

Blessings to all!

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