Monday, February 22, 2021

Our Standing Committees



Worship – In concert with the minister, prepares the order of worship, sanctuary, ushers, banners, and other aspects of corporate worship.  Selecting hymns and arranging for musicians or music from playlists, making sure liturgists know when they are scheduled, and arranging for special music and readings.  Also arranges for the training of acolytes, ushers, and arranges for choir practice.

Building and Grounds—Inspects the property of the church with eyes for maintenance requirements.  Identifies major areas requiring repair or replacement to the session, conducts minor maintenance, and proposes and coordinates workdays when needed. Contracts the Janitor.

Missions—Connects the body of Christ with the community through events, food, distribution of gospels, and other outreach efforts.  Missions work that you might know—Backpack Ministry, Chewy Tuesdays, food baskets, Walk A Block for Jesus, and more with opportunities for new missions.  The church was made for mission.  This committee organizes the bulk of our corporate mission work.  Such work can include mission trips near and far away. Think God’s Love in Action.

Education—In concert with the Sunday School Superintendent, checks curriculum for soundness, coordinates VBS, recruits and vets teachers, and proposes educational events.  Think a workman approved for every good work.  Special attention is given to our children and youth.

Fellowship—Focuses mostly internally on keeping the body of Christ healthy and connected in many ways.  Meals on 5th Sundays, funeral dinners, and just get-togethers that let the people enjoy being God’s children with each other.  Also looks for new faces during worship services, welcomes them, and invites them to other activities of this body. This committee should always be on the lookout for anyone who does not seem to be connecting.  We have no strangers within the body.  Koinonia, inclusion, and family are keywords to this committee.

 There are other ways to use your gifts and talents. Some are called and equipped to visit shut-ins. Some are prayer warriors. Many here have the gift of service. Whatever your interests or skills, there is a role for you to contribute to the church's mission. 

There is a place for you on one of these groups that plans and organizes, putting you right in the middle of the church's work. You do not have to be a member of the church to serve on a committee.

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