Running against the wind?
Near the end of the Bob Seger song, Against the Wind, is the lyric I’m older now but still runnin’ against the wind. Yes, I know that this is really an oldie for some of you, but the lyrics ring true with many today.
Do you feel like you are running against the wind?
Did you know that the word used in the Bible for God’s Holy Spirit also means wind? Jesus compared the Spirit of God to the wind. If it feels like everything—or too many things—seem to be going against you, consider if it is because you have chosen to resist the ways of God. Ask, am I running against the wind? Am I trying everything the world’s way instead of God’s way?
You might think, Well, I pray. That’s good. It is necessary but not sufficient. God desires us to have more than thoughts and words. He calls us to give our entire lives in service to him. That doesn’t mean that we are all preachers, but we are called to love and serve him and to love others. He calls us to action.
Action led people to donate money for school supplies.
Action brought people together to purchase, sort, and package school supplies.
Action put Gospels in your children’s bags of supplies and a Bible in your hand if you didn’t have one.
The motto of this congregation is God’s Love in Action. Action is to follow God’s Spirit and do the good deeds that he planned in advance for us.
You will have trouble in the world. That is a promise. It is not my promise but that of the Lord. Jesus said: “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
How will you face the trials of this troubled world? Will you do things your own way and run against the winds of God? Will you seek God first and follow Jesus with other believers? You can’t really follow Jesus and reject the fellowship of other believers. We are counseled not to stop gathering together as so many have done.
It is time to find a family of faith and live as God’s people. There is an abundant life in store for you.
Blessings to you,
Pastor Tom
That’s some compelling reasoning, but I have my reasons for not coming to worship.

Some churches say that I should give 10% of what I earn. Churches don’t say that. God said that. It is called the tithe. Tithe means tenth. The tithe enables the church to do its work in this world and God blesses the giver. Ask anyone who has tithed for many years if they would ever stop. How could they? God makes 90% go farther than 100%. God does not play by human rules. This church will never pressure you to give anything. We will invite you to be blessed and know abundant life. Jesus said that as long as you hold onto everything that you think is yours (it’s really all God’s) then you will never fully live. You will only exist. Living is better!
I don’t have anything to wear to church. Wow! You haven’t been here to worship, have you? While it is nice to dress up every once in a while, we welcome people as they are. God sees the heart. We do our best to do the same. We would ask that you don’t wear shirts laced with profanity and obscenities, but God sees the heart. You will be welcomed here.
I wasn’t brought up in church. I don’t know enough to attend. That’s all the more reason to delay no longer. We are not in competition with each other. The only competition that we have is with ourselves. We want to be more like Jesus. To do that we worship him, study God’s word, and as iron sharpens iron, we work with each other to understand how to put his words into practice.
I bring my kids and drop them off on Wednesdays. Surely that punches my ticket. We are glad to have your children with us, but they come with a message that you trust us but don’t really believe in this Jesus, love, faithfulness, and eternal life with God stuff. One day, your children will go into the world on their own. When they think about church, they will remember that it was a place where you dropped them off and not a place that you led them into. Children learn so much by example. Lead them to the things and places and practices that are important. Jesus said, Follow Me. We must lead our families to Jesus if they are to know life and life eternal.
But Sunday is my only day off. Then spend it in the fellowship of believers and be refreshed for your faithfulness to God. God made the Sabbath for man, not the other way around.
Please join us for Sunday worship and education as well as our Wednesday program (F4)
Sunday Worship: 9 am & 11 am
Christian Education: 10 am
Christian Education: 10 am
Wednesday Meal and Classes: 6:00 – 7:30 pm
- Continues to 1 May 2019
- Continues to 1 May 2019
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